At 12:57 PM today, we will be able to stand raw eggs on end, preferably directly on the Earth. With this little ritual you will be participating in the rare balance of forces available only on the Equinox days. Too Sacred There is a private chamber in the soul that knows the great secret of … Continue reading


Occasionally, I am asked how long it takes me to do a painting and, usually, there is a long pause as I grapple with how to answer. When exactly does the process start? When paint touches paper? This photo essay will reveal just how integrated the life/art process can be. The genesis for my mandala … Continue reading

Summer Solstice 2013

Happy Summer Solstice 2013! It is with great wonderment and gratitude that I offer the reader Faybiene Miranda’s magnificent poetic response to the above mandala of Infinite Health. The poem and mandala appear together in the Summer issue of New York Spirit. Faybiene Miranda is a published poet, lyricist and performer, former co-host and co-producer … Continue reading