I used to have a secret negative voice in my head telling me that I was kidding myself about visual art having a healing effect on viewers. But I, also, felt my energy field strengthen as I set about exploring the possibility that it did. That was enough to tell me that I was on … Continue reading

Eckhart Tolle on Surrender

“Not until you surrender does the spiritual dimension become a living reality in your life. When you do, the energy that you emanate and that then runs your life is of a much higher vibrational frequency than the mind energy that still runs our world. Through surrender, spiritual energy comes into this world. It creates … Continue reading


A cross-quarter holiday, Lammas marks the halfway point between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox and celebrates the harvesting of first fruits.  I am celebrating by publishing this thought provoking article by Lisa Miles Jackson, R.N., CYT, CHHC, who presented my “Infinite Surrender” mandala at a recent retreat along with its accompanying guided meditation.  A survey … Continue reading